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Back-Bulge-Fighting Yoga Poses

While there's no miracle move to diminish back bulge — it's a matter of doing calorie-burning cardio to decrease your overall percentage of body fat — it's still important to strengthen and tone the muscles in that area of the body. As you begin to lose weight from all the running and Zumba classes you're doing, you'll reveal slim, chiseled muscles waiting underneath. Here are nine yoga poses that will target all the areas of your back. 

What it works: glutes, quads, and upper back
  • Stand with your feet together. Inhale to bend your knees and lower your hips as you raise your arms overhead, coming into Fierce Pose. Exhale to cross your right elbow over to your outer left knee. Press your palms together and actively push your bottom elbow against your thigh to lift and rotate your chest up, increasing the twist. Pull your right hip back slightly, making sure both knees are parallel.
  • Stay for five breaths in Side Fierce, then inhale as you press into your feet and lift your torso, rising back into Fierce pose. Exhale to cross your left elbow over your right outer knee, holding for another five breaths on this side.


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