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Get Stronger (and Smarter) During Yoga With 6 Expert Tips

If you're a yoga regular, you know that sometimes even one tiny instruction can totally change your relationship with a yoga pose. All these tips from world-renowned yogis have left me having an "Aha!" moment on my mat. You too may find your yoga practice transformed after reading through this advice. 

NYC yogi Sadie Nardini sees one common misalignment in class: people pointing the front of their pelvis forward and overarching their low back. When people power into poses from their low-back body, Sadie says it can cause a ton of back pain, shoulder and neck tension, and joint compression, putting you in a tight spot that can lead to injury. But tucking in your tailbone alone won't fix this pesky problem.
According to Sadie, students should think of building each and every pose from the ground up, deep from your core muscles. "It's a revolutionary experience to do your poses in the most optimized way," says Sadie.


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