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Combat Jiggly Arms With This Dynamic Yoga Sequence

You wave goodbye to your friend and it feels like your arm is jiggling even after you've stopped waving. Don't fret. It's easy to tighten and tone up your arms — just hop on your yoga mat and do these eight poses that will strengthen and sculpt your arms in no time. Move through this sequence on one side and then repeat again on the other. 

This variation of Crow involves a little spinal twist and is just the pose to work your upper body.
  • From a Wide Squat, walk your feet together. Twist your torso to the right, and place both hands on the floor so they're parallel with your thighs and shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your outer right hip onto your right elbow and your outer right knee onto your left elbow.
  • Shift weight into your palms, and lift your feet off the floor, coming into Side Crow. Hold here for five breaths, and then release your feet to the floor coming back to a low squat position.
  • Rotate your torso to the left, and repeat this pose on the other side. After five breaths, come back to a low squat.


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