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Core-Carving Yoga Poses

Bathing suit season may be coming to an end (sniff, sniff), but you still want to maintain strong, toned abs. It will not only prevent back pain, improve your balance and posture, and make running and other sports feel easier, but you'll also feel confident in and out of your clothes. Keep reading to learn these nine poses that target your core. 

A classic backbend that increases spinal flexibility, Camel also works your core muscles and opens tight shoulders.
  • Stand on your shins with your knees hips-width distance apart.
  • Lean back, and place your hands on your heels, arching back and allowing the head to fall between the shoulder blades.
  • Continue to press the hips forward to engage the abs, thighs, and tush, enjoying this pose for five breaths. 

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